3 Technical Factors to Consider Before Buying an Electric Bicycle in Australia

Electric bicycles in Australia are available in various models, styles, and sizes. With too many options available in the market, choosing the right model becomes daunting. Here we will discuss the three most critical technical factors that significantly impact the bike’s overall performance. Knowing about them will help you make a well-informed buying decision. So, let’s begin.

Requirement of Range

Electric bicycles with the highest range possible seem the best option initially. But it is also essential to understand that this feature can make e-bikes costlier. Let’s dive deep to understand how higher rage influences bike cost.

The range of an electric bicycle denotes the distance a rider can travel without recharging the bike’s battery. So greater the battery capacity, the more you can ride your e-bike with pedal assistance on a single charge. Therefore, it is fair to conclude that high-range e-bikes in Australia require more powerful batteries. Since batteries are the most expensive part of electric bicycles, high-range e-bikes eventually cost higher.

The best electric bikes in Australia have a range of 100 KM or more. But they are also expensive compared to cheap electric bike models. You don’t need a high-range bike if you only ride short distances within the city.

e bikes Australia

Average electric bikes in Australia provide a range of 40-60 KM, rated suitable for urban commuting. But before investing in any e-bike, kindly note that several external factors influence its range. The list includes:

  1. Riding Conditions: Electric bikes provide a low range when riding uphill and a high range when riding downhill.
  2. Pedalling: The range of an e-bike also depends on how often you pedal.
  3. Weight You Are Carrying: You need more output from the bike’s battery to carry a heavier load. In that case, the battery will drain soon, which will negatively impact the range.
  4. Winds: Headwinds negatively and tailwinds positively impact the range.

Requirement and Feel of Power

We recommend being careful with e-bike wattage because bigger is not always better or legal. Keep in mind that 200-watt motors are widely permitted nationwide, but 250-watt motors are only legal in Northern Territory. You may also find some electric bicycles in Australia running on more powerful motors than permitted. But those models are only rated for off-road uses. Besides, bikes with high-power motors feel more like riding a motorcycle than a bicycle, and the threats associated with riding a faster, mightier bike on the roads are substantial.

The feel of the power that depends on where the power is being applied is another important consideration factor. Most of the e-bikes in Australia are equipped with rear hub motors that provide a smooth ride compared to mid-drive motors. However, mid-drive motors provide a feeling of a higher-powered hub motor, but they require more effort to manage the gears so that the motor doesn’t get stagnant.


Tyres don’t directly affect an e-bike’s speed but its overall performance. So, you must pay attention to this factor too. For instance, if your bike’s tyres are not sturdy enough to provide adequate support and stability during the ride, the pace will eventually slow down.

The tyre’s width is another factor that impacts the bike’s performance. Take fat tyres, for example, that have higher air capacity and relatively lower pressure. Such tyres provide more comfort and traction compared to skinny tyres. However, they provide less footprint on the road. The shorter and fatter footprint of a fat tyre generates more friction, making it less efficient in rolling speed. Thankfully thin tyres have less rolling resistance, requiring less energy to move forward. It eventually makes the bike faster. Skinny tyres are also more aerodynamic, allowing them to cut through the air quickly. This is another reason making thin tyre bikes faster.

Overall, we will conclude that skinny tyres are faster and more efficient. Fat tyres, on the other hand, are slower and less efficient, but they are durable and provide better traction even on uneven or loose surfaces. So, you should opt for thin-tyre bikes if riding faster is your preference. Such electric bikes in Australia tend to do better for urban commuting. But if you want to ride on challenging terrain, go for fat tyre bikes that provide better control and safety.

Hopefully, this discussion will help you choose the best electric bicycle as per your requirements. One more question that may still bother you is who to trust for buying the best electric bike in Australia.

RILU Trading Pty Ltd is the answer. We have a wide range of electric bike models in our catalogue, rated as the best solution for eco-friendly, pocket-friendly, and hassle-free transportation. Currently, we are offering up to 20% off on our products. Kindly note that the price reduction will only apply until the stock runs out. So, visit your nearest RILU dealer ASAP to buy the best electric bike in Australia at a discounted price. Let’s help you make cycling fun again!!